The best way to change this negative narrative of ”sex = teenage pregnancy and contraction of STIs” is to document powerful stories from women who have experienced this aspect of pleasure or can enlighten the public about positive aspects of sexual intercourse and sexuality using our platforms.
Who's to blame for teenage pregnancy?
Addressing teenage pregnancy requires a holistic and compassionate approach that moves beyond blame and shame.
Why mental health... yet again?
We need laws that heal, laws that respond to the needs of those they protect, and a society that embraces love and compassion above all else…
Through counseling, I built my resilience to keep pushing, my confidence was boosted as well. In addition, my goal to finish school, get a good grade and go to university kept me going…
My African Family
Family is an integral part of life, and I believe everyone should be granted the chance to define and redefine what that looks like for them…