What We Do

Thematic Areas

Sexual and Gender Based Violence

YCK strengthens the capacity of key gatekeepers (magistrates, religious leaders, police, chiefs, community volunteers, community village units, gender officers, children officers, community activists, and the police) in their role in addressing sexual violence. We work with girls to provide an understanding of the referral pathways for sexual violence. We provide trauma counselling to sexual violence survivors. We aim to strengthen key gatekeepers’ capacity to be responsive to SGBV.

Economic Empowerment

YCK supports survivors of sexual violence and teenage mothers to build their capacity on entrepreneurship skills; developing business ideas, market analysis, cost structure, business promotion, and pitching. This is aimed at promoting financial independence among the women. 

Girls' Education

YCK will support teenage mothers and survivors of sexual violence to access skilled-based courses in technical institutions. The program aims to build self confidence, resilience, agency and access to job opportunities

Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

YCK aims to promote access to sexual reproductive health and rights information and uses card games and participatory methodologies to increase the knowledge levels of sexual reproductive health and rights information among girls and young women in rural and peri-urban areas. The topics addressed include: sexuality, safe sex, healthy relationships, HIV, STI’s, consent, menstrual hygiene, and contraceptives.


 YCK seeks to produce  publication and evidence-based reports that will inform policies and legislation.

Read our Annual Report for 2020-2021, 2022, and 2023.